Electrical Upgrades
Our extensive experience in commercial electrical installations means that we can provide high quality electrical upgrades for your commercial premises or business at competitive prices. Even though your electrical system might be safe, there are some reasons why it may need an upgrade. Changes in regulations could lead to the need for electrical renovations.
Electrical Renovation
We can provide any electrical repairs, upgrades, or maintenance you may require. When you hire RJ Electrical Contractors, we provide a fully qualified, nationwide electrician service at an affordable price.
We’ve been doing quality electrical work throughout the UK for years. You shouldn’t attempt any work related to an electrical system without first consulting a qualified professional electrician for advice.
Electrical Upgrade Experts
We’re an electrician company that works in both the commercial and residential sectors. We can come out to your business and give you an estimate for any electrical upgrades you need. All work will be explained thoroughly, and you will be updated regularly during the project.
Once the electrical upgrade is complete, we will explain everything in detail, and provide any necessary certifications. We’re happy to take on any kind of electrical installation project, no matter how large or small.
Why would I need an electrical upgrade?
Older buildings weren’t always designed with today’s requirements in mind. Nearly everything we use today is electric. From monitors, computers, laptops, servers, server racks, power chargers for phones, air conditioners, telecoms, lighting and even heating and cooling systems.
An old electrical system may cause issues such as power interruptions, tripped circuit breakers, and overloaded circuits. If these issues aren’t addressed now, they could lead to major issues later such as melted wires and even fires.
Older systems can also be wired in a single loop for all sockets – which means that in the event of an issue, this takes the power away from ALL users, meaning potentially massive downtime for your organisation or business.
So, upgrading your electrical system is important, especially if you’re renovating an old building.
RJ Electrical has been providing electrical upgrades for clients since 2017 and can call on a team of skilled electrical experts to assist with any electrical installation requirement.
An old or faulty electric system causes several different types of problems.
An outdated electrical system can cause a variety of issues for your business, including poor performance, safety concerns, and even fire hazards.
One of the biggest causes of fire in properties is due to faulty electrical wiring. Either because of age or poor installation. If the wire gets hot enough, for example if it’s placed too close to heaters, it could cause nearby wires to become electrically charged and start sparking.
If there is an issue with the wiring, or if the wiring was installed incorrectly, the electricity doesn’t flow properly. Over time, this can cause holes in the wire or insulation. This can lead to dangerous electric shock risks.
When an appliance or electrical system becomes less efficient because of wear and tear and general negligence, it may need repair or replacement. It costs more money to run the appliances, so they increase the overall cost of the energy used by the property.
Lifespan of appliances
If the wiring manages to keep the power safe, it might be able to short out some appliances.
Old systems may simply not be capable of coping with the amount of power being requested by modern technology and appliances, potentially resulting in an overload of the system.

It’s Not Just Electrical Upgrades and Renovations
If you need any electrical improvements, contact us now! We’re happy to help with any electrical upgrade projects you might need. We can help if you’re thinking there might be an issue with your existing electrical system or need advice on installing new consumer units.